Arogya yan to serve as eyesight saver for 2000 cataract patients to restore their vision in Jharkhand & Bihar

It has been found that against 1,00,000 (one lakh) population, every year 800 people get cataract or other eye disease in all regions. But due to lack of eye health services in government or other rural health centres, poor people with cataract remain in blindness for years. To narrow this gap, QHF under its health initiative has donated Ambulance to Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra, a dedicated social organization working in Bihar and Jharkhand. The “Arogya Yan” will help them to organize large number of eye-check-up camps in remote villages, resulting in reaching out more patients and restore vision of more cataract-blind patients, treat eye patients in need of only medicines or power spectacles, in remote villages, where there is no other option of eye check-up and treatment facilities. The Arogya Yan with NBJK to reach far unreached villages, up to 100 kms radius from the eye hospitals, which they could not have reached otherwise.